Does feeling ever come back after tummy tuck?

After the procedure is over, the surgeon will discuss a more specific schedule for your recovery, but generally speaking, most patients start to feel more normal around eight weeks. More than anything, you want a surgeon who connects with you on a personal and professional level, and who provides you with quality care that helps you look and feel your best.

Does feeling ever come back after tummy tuck?

After the procedure is over, the surgeon will discuss a more specific schedule for your recovery, but generally speaking, most patients start to feel more normal around eight weeks. More than anything, you want a surgeon who connects with you on a personal and professional level, and who provides you with quality care that helps you look and feel your best. In the case of tummy tuck surgery, most patients regain sensation within six months after the procedure, and the area between the incision scar and the navel takes the longest to resolve. Once the incisions have completely healed and the remaining sutures and drains have been removed, gently massage the areas of the abdomen that feels numb.

In most cases, the skin regains its sensitivity after plastic surgery, although permanent loss of sensation or changes in skin sensitivity are possible.

Yvonne Salzmann
Yvonne Salzmann

Evil web scholar. Evil bacon guru. Extreme zombie geek. Travel expert. Devoted food fan.

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