We have long known that up to 75% of people suffer from post-surgical depression after undergoing Plastic Surgery in Trophy Club TX. However, cosmetic surgeons rarely discuss it with their patients beforehand. The good news is that it's temporary and almost always resolves within 6 months. Postsurgical depression is not uncommon and usually occurs early in the recovery period.
However, some symptoms, such as fatigue and irritability, are common when you're recovering from surgery and may not indicate that you're depressed. Did you know that traces of the chemicals used to “subject you to general anesthesia” can remain in body tissues and affect you both physically and emotionally for up to three weeks? These residual effects can include lethargy and depression, and even episodes of unexplained crying or despair. Some people, not all, may feel depressed in the first few weeks after surgery. If you are prone to anxiety or depression, you may feel somewhat depressed after surgery.
It's often referred to as “30-day sadness,” similar to postpartum depression. The incidence of post-surgical depression is much higher than most people believe and often goes unnoticed in the pep talks that most surgeons give to their patients about the “risks and complications” of surgery. You may feel especially tired, and while discomfort can be easily controlled with medication, your body and mind have yet to endure the experience. If at any time you feel that your feelings after surgery are more severe than a temporary worsening of your mood, contact your surgeon or nursing team for helpful suggestions. It's common to have mixed emotions after plastic surgery, but asking yourself and the surgeon a few questions ahead of time can minimize the risk of depression.
Most patients report that they have improved self-esteem, body image, and mental health after an aesthetic procedure, but like any surgery, cosmetic surgery can result in a period of depression. Whether you're planning to undergo breast augmentation, a facelift, a tummy tuck, or liposuction, you should recognize that these emotional ups and downs are a normal part of the healing process. Before accepting a plastic surgery procedure, you should understand the recovery time, potential side effects, limitations during the healing process, what to expect in terms of post-operative depression, and what the results will be. Postoperative depression is caused by several factors, such as anesthesia and postoperative pain relievers, and is more likely to occur if you have a history of depression.
Austin, Texas patients considering a body contouring procedure should be prepared to experience a wide variety of emotions as they recover, and it's important to know that these feelings are normal and temporary. When you're fully on your feet, you'll be proud of yourself for having overcome it, and accomplishments like getting back to exercising for the first time with your new figure will make you feel unstoppable. And when you sleep poorly, you may start to feel more uncomfortable, placing you in a vicious cycle that leaves you tired and in a bad mood. Your emotions after cosmetic surgery may feel a little raw after cosmetic surgery, at least for a short period of time.
However, if you feel that your symptoms are going beyond what is expected after a surgical procedure and you become depressed, it's essential that you talk to your plastic surgeon and mental health professional.