Is plastic and cosmetic surgery the same?

Plastic surgery is a broad category of procedures that includes both cosmetic surgery and reconstructive surgery. Reconstructive procedures are performed to restore the body's appearance and function after an injury, illness, or congenital problem.

Is plastic and cosmetic surgery the same?

Plastic surgery is a broad category of procedures that includes both cosmetic surgery and reconstructive surgery. Reconstructive procedures are performed to restore the body's appearance and function after an injury, illness, or congenital problem. If you've always thought that cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery were the same thing, you're not alone. A significant number of plastic surgeons choose to focus their practice on cosmetic surgery and, therefore, the terms are often used interchangeably.

But this is not technically correct. Cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery are closely related specialties, but they are not the same thing. To become certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery, a surgeon must do at least six years of residency training, and at least half of that training in plastic and reconstructive procedures. Cohn specializes in cosmetic procedures of the face, breasts and body, and in reconstructive procedures, such as breast reconstruction afterwards.

of a mastectomy. The procedures, techniques and principles of cosmetic surgery are completely focused on improving the patient's appearance. Plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery are sometimes used interchangeably, but if you need reconstructive surgery or want an elective cosmetic procedure, it's important to know how to find the most qualified surgeon. While both titles qualify a professional as a certified surgeon, the American Council of Medical Specialists recognizes only the American Board of Plastic Surgery.

Plastic surgery is a broad field that encompasses both cosmetic (aesthetic) procedures and reconstructive procedures. Every surgeon certified by the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery has completed a 1-year fellowship certified by the American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery exclusively in cosmetic surgery. Because of this, cosmetic surgeons primarily gain training and experience after completing their residency training. Because cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery have different practice objectives based on a set of specific procedures, it only follows that the training and certification process of a certified cosmetic surgeon will be very different from that of a board-certified plastic surgeon.

Some other lesser-known plastic surgery procedures include carpal tunnel surgery, microsurgery, rhinoplasty, and nerve surgery peripherals. Recent studies have shown that more than half of women in the United States are unaware of the difference between a plastic surgeon and a cosmetic surgeon. The difference between a plastic surgeon and a cosmetic surgeon isn't the procedures they offer, but rather the surgeon's qualifications to perform those procedures.

Yvonne Salzmann
Yvonne Salzmann

Evil web scholar. Evil bacon guru. Extreme zombie geek. Travel expert. Devoted food fan.

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