What are the long term problems after a tummy tuck?

The most common early complications, seen after one month, include hematoma, seroma, local infections, skin or fatty necrosis, and wound dehiscence. Late complications include recurrent diastasis, cicatricial hypertrophy, and symptoms related to nerve injury.

What are the long term problems after a tummy tuck?

The most common early complications, seen after one month, include hematoma, seroma, local infections, skin or fatty necrosis, and wound dehiscence. Late complications include recurrent diastasis, cicatricial hypertrophy, and symptoms related to nerve injury. The amount of excess skin removed and the type of procedure you will undergo will determine the shape and length of the incision. Intermittent mild discomfort or intermittent sharp pain are also common after the first few weeks after Plastic Surgery in Cedar Hills TX, as the swelling subsides and the nerves become recover.

Yvonne Salzmann
Yvonne Salzmann

Evil web scholar. Evil bacon guru. Extreme zombie geek. Travel expert. Devoted food fan.

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