What are the positive effects of plastic surgery?

Plastic and reconstructive surgery procedures are often complex. All surgical procedures carry risks.

What are the positive effects of plastic surgery?

Plastic and reconstructive surgery procedures are often complex. All surgical procedures carry risks. They can alter sensitive structures close to major organs or delicate tissues. Cosmetic procedures can make significant changes to areas of the body that would otherwise be healthy. Some cosmetic surgery procedures may reduce health risks associated with obesity and weight.

SmartLipo, or liposuction, for example, reduces body fat, which can reduce risk factors for these chronic, sometimes fatal diseases. Looking and feeling your best can powerfully affect your overall quality of life. People who feel good about their appearance tend to be more confident in other aspects of their lives. They are more outgoing, motivated and willing to try new things. As a result, people who choose to enhance their natural beauty with plastic surgery often experience a better quality of life.

Overall, studies suggest that most patients were satisfied with the outcome and felt better about themselves. This was particularly the case for women who underwent reduction mammoplasty. The functioning domains that showed improvements included “self-esteem”, distress and shyness, and “quality of life”. However, many of these studies have methodological limitations, such as small sample sizes and potentially biased determination.

It could be said that patients who agree to participate in this type of research and commit to pre-intervention and post-intervention interviews represent a biased group, but none of the studies estimated the extent of that potential bias. In addition, clinical interviews may be subject to bias on the part of both the respondent and the interviewer, and in very few studies “blind” people were employed. It is a matter of special concern that not all studies used valid evaluation tools, making it difficult to interpret the results. Finally, most studies evaluated very specific procedures and it's not clear how generalizable their results are to other types of cosmetic interventions.

All surgeries, including cosmetic procedures, carry risks. If you have obesity or diabetes, you may be at greater risk of complications. Complications can include problems with wound healing, blood clots, and infections. Smoking also increases risks and slows healing. Figures provided by the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery reveal that aesthetic procedures (surgical and non-surgical) performed by plastic surgeons, dermatologists and otorhinolaryngologists increased 119% between 1997 and 1999.2 In 1999, more than 4.6 million procedures of this type were performed, the five main of which were chemical peels (18.3% of the total), botulinum toxin A injection (10.8%), laser hair removal (10.5%), collagen injection (10.5%) 3%) and sclerotherapy (9.0%).

While some are intimidated by negative myths and stereotypes about plastic surgery, those who choose to go ahead with cosmetic procedures can often focus on the many positive outcomes of plastic surgery. The terms “reconstructive plastic surgery” and “cosmetic surgery” may seem similar, but they represent different types of procedures. There are different types of plastic surgery, including reconstructive surgery, birth defect repair, cosmetic surgery, and more. People who choose to have plastic surgery often experience a renewed sense of confidence after the procedure. In addition, these procedures are performed by a variety of different professionals, including aesthetic doctors, dermatologists, and plastic surgeons.

At Garcia Plastic & Hand Surgery, you'll receive high-level care from an experienced and ingenious plastic surgeon. With plastic surgery becoming more accessible today, more and more people are weighing the positive and negative effects of undergoing plastic surgery procedures. Patients should be informed about the possible aesthetic outcome and fully informed about possible side effects and complications. While each patient's individual experience is unique and different, many people who choose to go ahead with plastic surgery find that the benefits and positive impacts far outweigh the potential risks.

You can have cosmetic surgery by a plastic surgeon, dermatologist, otolaryngologist (ear, nose, and throat surgeon), or others.

Yvonne Salzmann
Yvonne Salzmann

Evil web scholar. Evil bacon guru. Extreme zombie geek. Travel expert. Devoted food fan.

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