More than 84% were satisfied or very satisfied with the aesthetic result of Plastic Surgery in Grand Prairie TX on Daufuskie Island SC. More than half of the study group reported no decline in physical fitness or social contacts in the direct postoperative period. Overview and forecasts on current issues Industry and market perspectives and forecasts Key figures and classifications about companies and products Perspectives and preferences of consumers and brands in various sectors Detailed information on political and social issues All key figures about countries and regions Market forecasts and expert KPIs for more than 1000 markets in more than 190 countries and territories Information on consumer attitudes and behavior around the world Business information about more than 100 million public and private companies Detailed information on more than 39,000 online stores and markets Direct access data for 170 industries in more than 150 countries and more than 1 million. Get quick analyses with our professional research service Show information about sources Show information about the publisher Use Ask Statista Research Service Worth It Ratings are expressed as a percentage; for example, a Worth It rating of 80% means that 8 out of 10 patients would do it again.
Health professionals and hospitals only have access to basic statistics. No study has yet investigated the differences in satisfaction between reconstructive and aesthetic surgical procedures. This systematic review will examine the state of research on patient satisfaction in the field of plastic surgery. This was done to assess how satisfaction research has changed over the past 15 years, as well as to examine how satisfaction research in U.S.
institutions differs from research conducted outside the United States. In the area of national health, research shows that organizations that respond to satisfaction problems obtain significant financial benefits, such as greater profitability, greater market share, increased patient retention and referral rates, and a lower risk of lawsuits for malpractice. By developing the Patient Satisfaction Questionnaire (PSQ), a widely used self-administered satisfaction survey for the general patient population, John Ware and his colleagues created a taxonomy to classify the different domains of patient satisfaction with medical providers and services4. Buccal fat removal and tummy tuck tuck had the highest satisfaction rates (98.8% and 98.1%, respectively); Brazilian butt lift (BBL) and “makeover for moms” had the lowest overall satisfaction rates, with 88.2% and 87.7%, respectively (Figure). By creating more comprehensive tools for determining accurate quality of life and patient satisfaction indices, the field of plastic surgery will advance even further.
Patient satisfaction is the most important quality to ensure the continued viability of private cosmetic surgery offices.
The field of cosmetic surgery is growing in all areas, from minimally invasive procedures, such as body sculpting, to more complicated surgeries, such as tummy tuck.The scarcity of research on satisfaction in craniofacial, manual and other reconstructive specialties, as well as the limited scope of satisfaction measurement and the use of unvalidated instruments are current barriers that prevent plastic surgery patient satisfaction studies from producing significant results.