What percentage of tummy tucks go wrong?

One of the most prominent ones cited by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) revealed that a tummy tuck has a 3.1% chance of failure. As with any surgery, tummy tuck has its own risks.

What percentage of tummy tucks go wrong?

One of the most prominent ones cited by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) revealed that a tummy tuck has a 3.1% chance of failure. As with any surgery, tummy tuck has its own risks. The most common include bleeding, blood clots, infections, or complications from general anesthesia. However, tummy tuck is considered a very safe procedure.

What you do after surgery and how you follow the surgeon's instructions can help ease postoperative pain and bleeding and prevent infections or other complications. Abdominoplasty, also known as tummy tuck, is performed to remove excess skin and tighten the underlying abdominal tissues for a smoother and firmer abdominal profile. The ideal is to maintain a stable weight for at least a year before undergoing a tummy tuck. The so-called design navel is the centerpiece of tummy tuck surgery and is due to pay close attention.

In the case of a tummy tuck combined with body contouring and liposuction, the complication rate increased to 10.4 percent, according to the study, published in the November issue of the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. If reading about these risks may make you anxious, remember that serious complications from a tummy tuck are rare. Abdominoplasty is among the 5 to 6 most popular plastic surgery procedures in the United States, meaning that they are performed frequently and are therefore relatively routine procedures. It's normal to experience some bruising and swelling after any type of surgery, so it should be waited after tummy tuck.

The good news is that an experienced plastic surgeon can “disguise” the tummy tuck scar so well that it won't pose any problems, even in a bathing suit. Ultimately, the most effective way to minimize the complications of tummy tuck is to choose a good surgeon with specialized experience in the area and follow his instructions for preparation and recovery. The length and visibility of the scar will vary from person to person and depending on the type of tummy tuck you are undergoing. Abdominoplasty is a cosmetic surgical procedure that is usually performed with combined local anaesthesia with intravenous sedation.

Of the 25,478 patients in the study, 65 percent had undergone a tummy tuck in conjunction with other cosmetic surgery procedures, and the remaining 35 percent had undergone only tummy tuck procedures. The length of the horizontal scar varies depending on the type of tummy tuck you are undergoing and is usually placed below the bikini line. However, among people whose tummy tuck procedure was combined with a body contouring procedure, the rate was 6.8 percent. The higher complication rate of tummy tuck compared to other plastic surgery procedures is likely related to many different factors, Winocour said.

The risk of serious complications from a tummy tuck was also higher in men, people aged 55 and older and obese people, the researchers said.

Yvonne Salzmann
Yvonne Salzmann

Evil web scholar. Evil bacon guru. Extreme zombie geek. Travel expert. Devoted food fan.

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